Beauty in the Details

If you haven’t taken a pause to look back on your journey and the way you ended up exactly where you are now, I highly suggest you do just that. It’s so easy for us to get caught up, consumed with the day to day, and not even realize all that has brought us to the exact moment we are in.

I’ve had some close calls and found myself in situations that I would never wish upon anyone. I’ve genuinely felt like I had to work through the seven stages of grief to process traumatic events and get to where I am now. Thankfully, it has only helped me appreciate life more than ever before and get to a place where the little things really do feel like the greatest gifts.  

While floating on Lake Travis just outside of Austin, disconnected from my phone and not even missing or longing for its distractions, I was recently asked about my goals. Typically, I’d tie them to work… it’s an easy go-to. Of course, I certainly do have career goals but at this point in my life priorities have shifted a bit, and career just isn’t quite so heavily at the forefront. I realized how deeply I simply desire to be more present and I’m also learning that in today’s age this can be quite easier said than done.

As an entrepreneur I’ve done a lot of research into marketing and honestly, it’s quite terrifying if you zoom out and really understand what that data is telling us. Our attention spans are declining. Like, they’re pretty much shot. We not only desire, but we expect instant gratification in soooooo many aspects of our lives. We want TikTok videos that are just a few seconds max, next day Prime shipping, dinners that take less than 30 minutes to make, and first dates that lead to a quick proposal because swiping through Bumble is exhausting. Call me old school (or just drop the “school” part and don’t tell me) but that’s just not my vibe.

In my opinion, there is something beautiful about taking our time. Whether you apply that to creating, healing, kissing, breathing… my advice is to simply slow down. Don’t rush the process.

Take. Your. Time.

Enjoy and appreciate all the little things that make up the big picture. Let the paint dry so you can build up the layers and depth. That is why art is created and admired. And isn’t life, art?

So, I have decided that here is where you can enjoy the longform with me. It’s not everyone’s cup of tea, I know, but I put a lot of my heart into designing and take pride in creating one of a kind couture pieces that are as special as the people wearing them. As in life and the world around us, there is beauty in the details, in the backstory, and when it comes to fashion that is rarely easily explainable in an Instagram caption, photograph or walk down a red carpet.

I’d like to believe there are other’s out there who appreciate these little things, too. If I still have your attention at this point, welcome and consider this space for you!


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