Lights. Cameras. Fashion!

A good friend of mine recently invited me onto his podcast (you can listen here) to discuss my journey in the fashion industry and what has brought me to where I am today. It was really eye opening to recall all the little things, and my God ALL the reality television, that ultimately ended up having immeasurable impact on my life and career. From close friends to guys I’ve dated, there have consistently been seemingly small suggestions made over the years which guided me closer to where I was meant to be during moments when I simply hadn’t been able to connect the dots myself. You genuinely never know what you’re going to gain or learn from any situation. So go on that show, test out that school, slide in those DMs… just stay true to yourself and keep an open mind!

Reminiscing on the past while preparing for this podcast made me think back to my senior letter and how many of the topics I had mentioned are still so relevant in my life today. I touched on pageantry, design school, being open to love, and the amount of stress and adversity I can handle. When I wrote that letter to myself, I acknowledged that what I was going through at that time would likely be minuscule in comparison to what I’d be experiencing in the future, and I had no idea just how right I’d end up being about that. Ignorance truly was bliss.

My younger self also dropped some timeless advice, too. “Don’t lose sight of the things you love. Always reach for the stars. And truly appreciate all that you have.” Not bad for eighteen, right?

As holds true for many of us, life has thrown some major curve balls my way since back then. And while it all made me stronger, it doesn’t mean the weight I carried wasn’t overwhelming a lot of the time. I give so much credit to having a combination of loved ones to lean on, creative outlets, and traditional therapy to get me through the really difficult days. Although finding the right therapist can be just as hard as dating… it’s worth it! Promise!

I want to remind whoever might be reading this that just because we’re capable of carrying a heavy load, doesn’t mean we always have to do it alone. Be patient and show yourself grace and compassion as you take steps to discover what coping mechanisms work for you and don’t be afraid or ashamed to ask for support along the way! If the place you’re in ever starts feeling like it’s all just too much, please reach out for help. Your unique gifts and the light only you bring to the world are not only needed but they are also wanted here. There is more love and support surrounding you and waiting for you to accept it and let it in than you could ever imagine, even when the darkness is making it hard to see.

You’re not alone. Help is available. 1(800)273-8255

1 comment

  • Debbie Whitlock-Roush

    So incredibly proud of what you’ve become…or are in the process of becoming! I know you are not completely done coming out of your chrysalis- there is much more beauty for you to create! But congrats on all the amazing beauty you’ve created already! 💜

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